The Institute in collaboration with the MLGRD and DACF orgranised an Executive Strategic Leadership and Management course for Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives from 11th to 16th September, 2023 at the Institute's Ogbojo campus.

The programmes seeks to identify and explain elements in strategic thinking, planning, management and distinguish that fom traditional LG planning system. It also seeks to key leadership and management ingredients that are needed to accomplish responsibilities as far as the MMDCEs are concerned and as the chief representatives of the central government at the local level.

The programme in both areas also seeks to identify and explain elements in strategic planning and management and outline the role of MMDCEs in developing them and also demonstrate ethical leadership, appreciate the importance of rule of law, abide by them and reduce audit infractions and risks associated with litigations and financial loss. It is also important to establish a good relationship btween the Assembly, NGOs and Donor community for the benefit of the people.

The programme is continuing and consists of nine taught sessions and one "Leadership in Action Project" (Do Project) delivered in three days.

Some highlights of the sessions include:

  • Strategic planning process and principles
  • Stakeholder involvement / analysis
  • SWOT
  • Mission, Vision, Strategic Goals and Objectives
  • Managing performance